Megan and I went downtown again Sunday to Millenium Park because the weather was just as awesome as it was last Sunday when we went to the zoo. Megan, also known as the Worst Maker of Pot Brownies in the Entire World (look it up), made the worst pot brownies in the entire world. You'd think I would have known better, but I just discovered this quality about her Sunday. Jesus christ those things were terrible. Everytime we burped for the rest of the day, it was the brownie coming up. Sexy, no? But hey, at least she tried. And I may have only had half of one cause it was all I could manage (or because of what a "giant pussy I am" according to my "best friend"), but that was all I needed, so shut the fuck up about it.
So we ate some brownies then rioted after we listened to the Bulls sweep the series with Miami on my mom's oldass Walkman. Just the two of us. With our pots and pans. We always come prepared.
My mom flew back out to Arizona yesterday because my grandma had some kind of surgery. I was excited about her being gone til she told me my dad would be home. Every night this week. No firehouse for him - he's in some class at the Chicago Fire Academy downtown. Goddamnit. I rioted some more after I heard this news.
So this Cubs fan I found for myself (or Diana found for me) is pretty nice. And pretty cute. And I'm pretty sure he likes me. Or better yet, I KNOW he likes me. But this is me were talking about here, right? These things never happen, or work out, for me. Looks like the tide is changing, bitches. I just really need to move out of my house now cause Papa O'D is NOT happy with me staying the night at his place. Surprising, I know.
I got some awesome new Chester the Molestor sunglasses at Old Navy the other day. Picking up those five year olds should be easier than ever now. This is mine and Megan's reflection in the giant Bean in Millenium Park, taken with my goddamn cell phone because I forgot my goddamn camera. Not bitter at all.

My birthday (23 - good lord) is coming up and Diana's taking me to the Sox game for it. Keri graduates May 11th, yaaaaay. Brother and sisters reunited for the summer, can't wait. Beebs, you best be ready to get your backyard baseball on when you get home. Artie's been wondering why his window isn't shattered yet. Blues Fest is the weekend of June 2nd. Keri's graduation party is June 9th. I might MIGHT get to go to a Bulls play-off game if Will turns out to be a badass and actually does get tickets (I'll believe it when I see it). So much to look forward too, I love it.
Customer of the Day, digging through her wallet for another penny:
"Oh, this is a Canadian penny. Do you take those?"
Goddamn rights we take those!
Canadian Queen
Katers you absolutely have to get the Lucky You soundtrack or do as I did and just buy Bob's song on it "Huck's Tune". It's friggen' fantastic. It's a beauty. Check it out!
I think I might be offended by that comment. Do we take these? Perhaps she should make a trip to Canada and we can have a little chat about life.
Notice you get my cousin and I riled up at the same time??? hahah
Well, you better read the Time Traveller's Wife soon because they are making a movie about it now!
blog on baby
canadian bitch
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