Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Simply Having

On Christmas Eve, my mom said to me, "You seem like such a happy person." She caught me off guard because I was so engrossed in a Real World/Road Rules Challenge repeat. You know how those things can be so addicting. And if you don't, shut up about it. I never think of myself as a happy-go-lucky person, so I didn't really know what to say, so she asked, "If you could change anything what would it be?" "I'd lose 50 pounds." "Is that it?" "I'd love to know I had a good job after graduation." "Well those are both things you can change yourself." Goddamnit, I hate when my mom is right. This isn't the first time I've realized it, but I have a super-duper-uber good life. My brother and sister are the best ever and you all should be jealous you aren't related to them. My mom and I have such a good relationship now, after hating each other for five years when I was 13-18. (She told me the same day, "I thought something was wrong with you, you were so angry all the time. My response, "Christ mom, I was a teenager.") My dad and I get along, not that we're super close at all. But thank god for sports and making fun of my siblings, or else we'd have nothing to talk about. I'm about to graduate college on time, I have good friends and I love my family. I guess I am happy. Ever since my mom said that, whenever she yells at me for being crabby, I remind her of how happy I am. I only get a "shut up" then. Love you too mom. I'm happy, hope you're happy too.


Bill B. said...

Nice David Bowie push to money shot this post! Just think about the song "Working Class Hero" by John Lennon and you'll know what to do after college!

Rat In A Cage said...

I can't believe that (a) I know this song, and (b) I'll admit to it, but here goes:

Where did all the happy people go?

HMT said...

not thank god for "sports," THANK GOD FOR THE BEARS!

Rat In A Cage said...

Bliain Nua Fe Mhaise