Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tonight I had 4 beers and have gone pee about 12 times since those beers. Why do I have a bladder like an 85 year old woman?


Anonymous said...

It says Jenn. *blush* I'll post mine, too.

And 'cause you drink like a fish!

Kurt said...

or maybe your prostate is swollen. i've heard that can cause that too. or pregnant...

doym said...

or perhaps the moon has moved and the tides have changed in your blader and it's all moved closer to the exit?

Rat In A Cage said...

Maybe it's those 1950's glasses.

Anonymous said...

Or you have an extra hole causing extra leakage?

Rat In A Cage said...


Jenn, can you relay your tale of how painless it is NOT HAVING verification & convince your little love slave here to remove hers? I am still worn out from the battle with you. Thanks, babe.

Bill B. said...

Ah, young Katie....always a pleasantry to visit your blog. Your bladder is gay. How are you? Have you tried acid yet? Anyhow that is some fancy dancy art you got going on in your blog. Is that a Picasso? I'm asking a lot of questions? Maybe I should go gouge myself? Peace out Big K....You da shit.

Kurt said...

wow. that is so fascinating that having to pee alot is linked in Bildo's mind to acid. i think he may have had a bad experience that link's the two. personally, i never found the two to be linked in any fashion.
how many mics were you taking bildo? i will admit to not crossing the 300 threshhold more than once or twice.

Bill B. said...

ahh Kurt it's a long running joke from waaaay back in the day (like 3 months ago)....we were talking about something totally sad and stuff and for no reason at all out of nowhere I ask, have you ever tried acid? It was an instant classic running gag almost compared to our original \m/ .

Katie said...

Bill, a big /m\ to you for getting Kurt all excited about acid. You know how hippies are, always wanting to brag about their drug habits. Where'd you learn that Rook? Druuuuuuuug school?

Kurt said...

not bragging as much as combating misinformation. lies, when found out, make us question the veracity of everything else the source has told us.
the inept drug policies of this country do more to create dopers than prevent them. sort of like Bush's strategy in Iraq has done for terrorist orgainzations!
Yay for no word verification!