Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Mother Night

I got out Kurt Vonnegut's book Mother Night from the library about 2 weeks ago. It was only the second book of his I had read since Slaughterhouse-Five, which is now one of my favorite books, and I loved it. It's about this guy who was a spy for America during World War II, but he lived in Germany before the war started, and his job was to become a Nazi and do Nazi propaganda radio shows. But during the shows he was giving out secret messages to American troops, or officials or whatever you call them. American intelligence, maybe? I don't know. Make sense? Read the damn book to get it, if you don't. But anyways, the point of this was to tell you about this sentence in it. I don't know why it stuck out so much to me, but I loved it and wanted to share it with you all. Think of it as your Christmas present. I'll type out the paragraph before it, and the paragraph it's in so you can get more of a jist of it. It's not long at all.

"I smoked cigarettes all the way, began to think of myself as a lightning bug.
I encountered many fellow lightning bugs. Sometimes I gave the cheery red signal first, sometimes they. And I left the seashell roar and the aurora borealis of the city's heart farther and farther behind me. "

Is that not the most descriptive sentence you have ever read? Or is it just me. I wish I were an English major and could think of a better word than "descriptive", but unfortunately for you, I'm not.

I can imagine exactly what the city must have sounded like because I remember what a seashell sounds like when you put it up to your ear. Then I picture this colorful background with swirly lights slowly fading in the background as he walks away from it all. And fyi, he is talking about New York City if that helps you picture it even better. You all know what aurora borealis is, right? Someone *coughbillcough* didn't, so for those of you who don't, it's also known as The Northern Lights. You really only see them way up north, like in Canada and Alaska, and it really is just different colored lights in the sky. I saw them in Northern Minnesota once and they are fucking awesome to see in person. Words don't do them justice.

This concludes my book report. I just wanted to tell you all about that sentence because I think it's great. Thank you all for your time. *curtsies*


Katie said...

Ariel, that part about the vase made me laugh really hard. For some reason the "C'mon, sometimes you can describe things a little too much" sounded like a Jack Handey saying to me. I don't know about you, but I can go on about a towel forever. It's my specialty. Thanks for the laugh lady.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't know what ANY of that means! The words are far too big. Haha! DUDE! That sounds like a really good book. I had been meaning to tell you that you HAD to recommend me another good book. My my book guru or somthing. So yeah, get on it. Or this one a taker?

Bill B. said...

The aurora borealis sounds like a part of the vagina. God you're weird. Kurt Vonnegut rules yo momma bitches. He's a good guy. Stop talking about Nazi stuff too, you're a sicko. God you and your white power crap freak me out sometimes. hhehe