Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Sorry, My Mind Is All About The Aral Sea Right Now

I was watching tv earlier tonight (how out of the ordinary!) and an Outback Steakhouse commercial came out. They weren't promoting a new steak or new deal at all. They were promoting "Call Ahead Seating". It was this marvelous new idea where you call the restaurant BEFORE you go there to reserve a seat. Hence calling ahead for a seat. In laymans terms I'm pretty sure it's called "making a reservation." Who do they think they are? Did Outback Steakhouse take it upon themselves to get rid of the term "reservations" and in its place use "call ahead seating" which by the way is WAY easier to say and doesn't waste as much breath as the word "reservations." Or do they think that they are the first restuarant to think of such a thing? Who brags about having the option of "call ahead seating" anyways? The steak must not be so good if they're focusing on begging people to use this reservations option instead of the food. I bet Applebee's takes "call ahead seating" too. What now Outback?

I got back one of my term papers yesterday, one you might recognize as being "China blows". I started that paper around 11:00 pm the night before it was due and I think I wrapped up around 3:00 or so. A lot of research went into it, as you can tell. I get the paper back and along with a short comment about my topic my teacher wrote "Good paper. I can tell you put a lot of work into it." Oh can you Hee-jin? Sometimes I love this school.

I'm so fucking excited right now. SO MOTHERFUCKING EXCITED. I hope I'm either throwing up at this time tomorrow night or in an alcohol induced coma. Either one would really be fine with me.

My sister's away message right now as of 3:37 am: writing papers - asia takes it up the ass. Apparently the feelings about Asia run in the family. This, along with the discovery that we both hate kids who act in commericials (a lot) makes me feel that we were really meant to be sisters. I can't wait to be your beer bitch this summer and I bet you can't wait either because you won't have to give beejers to the homeless guys anymore. Unless you enjoy that, then by all means keep on keeping on, lady.

It was about 85 goddamn degrees today. Where did spring go? Did I fall asleep and miss it? It went from 30 degrees right to 80. I live in Illinios so I expect four seasons, not two, bitch.


Rat In A Cage said...

Laughing as I reminisce about two papers I wrote in college:

1. The French are scum sucking pussies, and

2. Native Americans: Friend or Foe (my conclusion was definately foe) with a long list of absolutely ridiculous reasons.

Happy Birthday, coma girl. Trying to remember how the old G N' R song "COMA" goes - from like when you were 8.

Unknown said...

Hey Katie
I'm here in Germany working in Physics at the University of Mainz. I can talk a little bit of Spanish and French but no Germany, which would be the best thing to know here.
Where are you from? how did you get my blog? well I'm going to get back to work now since I have to figure this things out and I feel like I havn't done anything all day.


doym said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! it may be a little early for you, but it's Thursday here,

Great news on the paper, i love it when minimal effort brings good rewards, i one studied for 30 mins for a maths exam, basicaly gave my notes the once over and scored 65%!! (It's not as good as some people but it's my claim to glory)

Oh well, have a great birthday, get fucked up and take some photo's.

RT said...

Happy Birthday Katie!!!!

Make sure you do something embarrassing that you can remember fondly!

Bill B. said...

Hello Katie Jerald Garner......daughter of Maury Garner. By the end of summer this camp will be full of skinny winners..."Skinny weiners?" HA it's on now beyotch and I hope you're watching it. I can't believe I said Ben Stiller sucked I FUCKING FORGOT HE WAS IN THIS MOVIE. Please pray for my redemption. Anyhow glad to see hating Asians is in your's probably a recessive gene. I watched two anti-asian movies today so I was all YOU SUCKY. Keep on rocking you 21 year old stallion!

Bill B. said...

Katie this "call ahead seating" all cycles back to my retort on redneck society. I bet you're mad you defended them now. It's true that most rednecks think of the Outback steakhouse as 5 star dining. Shit they go there maybe once or twice a year to celebrate a special occasion and when they do it's hats off! Yes we in a civilized manner know call ahead seating is a "reservation" yet to some dumbass redneck the word reservation means something the native americans live on. I'm telling you these people are supremely stupid and deserve to be shot. Now if you'll excuse me I have to fetch my Sunday shoes cuz me and the family are going out Outback to celebrate my promotion.

James said...

I wish I knoew where Illinois was...

Pikkel Weezel said...

Locally our Longhorn Steakhouse has done the same thing for a while,, way before Outback started it. Funny thing is,,, they too will tell you that you can't make a reservation, but if you want to call ahead to put your name on the list they will be happy to do it for ya.

Forzavryheid said...

NEWSFLASH: restaurant launches new concept called: post pondering culinary request.

Basically, you get to your seat and analyse the culinary option booklet (menu) and then after a period of time, determined by the service champion (waiter- either too frikkin quick or desperately slow), request your desired culinary option.


(Excuse me while I dash off to copyright the concept)