During my anthropology class today, my professor was saying how he had travelled all over the world digging up old people and studying them. Anthropology was my major when I first came to college but I switched it to history because I like history more, even if there isn't really any job options after I graduate. Well yeah, there are some, but most likely when I say I want to work in a museum after graduation, I mean in the gift shop or as a janitor. I say I want to be a curator, but really, I don't even know what a curator does. But anyways, my joblessness isn't the point I'm going to make here.
When I was in class, I realized I don't want to stay in Chicago my whole life. I love Chi-town (even though I never even heard it called that until I was about 17) to pieces, but I want to see what else is out there. And after I graduate is going to be the time to do it. I won't be tied down to anyone who has a job somewhere else ( I will be a spinster) and certainly won't have any little kiddies to drag around. So if I want to apply for a job in London, I can do it. Or Boston, or San Francisco or New York or Seattle for that matter. I got really excited about the prospect of moving somewhere completely new. I mean, how fucking cool would that be, to move to London. It would be ballsy certainly, motherfucking ballsy, but I think I could handle it. Don't you think everyone would accept me with open arms once they hear my precious Chicago accent? Maybe not, but it's better than a Texan accent, right? Right?
Thinking about all that makes graduation seem less frightening. And that's all I'm really looking for, something to look forward to so I won't be a hysterical mess crawled up in the fetal postion the night before graduation. It will also make my parents happy when they realize I won't be moving back home after college. I'm such a good daughter.
Other than that epiphany, class was pretty boring today. I found out that I have a test on February 24th though, which blows because that's the day my family leaves to go on our ski trip. Here's to hoping I can sweet talk the teacher into letting me take it early so I don't have to miss the trip. I'm really looking forward to going skiing, so that bastard better not mess up my plans. Or maybe I can feign the death of my grandpa again (I'm not jinxing them, they're both already dead) to be able to go. Mom will help me figure something out as the date gets closer.
Emily is driving me to a new level of insanity. I mean, I love the girl to death, but now she's done something that might end with me stabbing her repeatedly. She's gone on the goddamn Atkins Diet. This means that she says the word "carbs" about 19,000 times a day, no exaggeration. It is now known as "the c-word" and the next time she says it, I'm going to go crazy.
"God Katie, why did your mom buy these M&Ms? Do you know there's 18 carbs in 3 of them?"
"I had to throw out all my pasta. You don't even want to know how many carbs are in it."
"I can't drink beer anymore. It has too many carbs and you know carbs are the devil."
"All I can eat is chicken because it doesn't have too many carbs. You know, I'm only supposed to eat 80 carbs a day."
"No way, I can't eat any of those nachos! I bet it has like 55 carbs in one of them."
Then I stabbed her.
I keep telling her not to say "the c-word" in front of me because I'm going to go apeshit if she says it one more time, but it's no use. She says she's only going to try it out for two weeks, but I know these two weeks are going to be the longest of my life. Please god, let her lose those dreaded 15 pounds so she can shut up about it already. She only weighs like 120 anyways, but I've given up telling her she doesn't need to lose any weight. It's like talking to a brick wall. I think I'm going to make spaghetti with garlic bread and a side of potatoes tomorrow, just to make things difficult for her. I can be a great friend (sometimes), but not when carbs are involved. When carbs are involved I turn into a bitchface.
Lastly, I would like to clear up what I said about Asians yesterday because I feel like a douchebag. I didn't mean I don't like Asians at all, I just meant that Asian history is not my forte. It's not only Asian history I don't like, I also don't enjoy learning about any of the world before the 1500's, save for the Egyptians who were some cool motherfuckers. It's not ignorance either, because I have studied it, and then afterwards decided my hatred. I know some people really get into it, and I'm sure it's enthralling for them, but it's not for me. It you wanted to talk about the French Revolution or World War II or the Great Depression though, I'm all ears. Speaking of history, you all should watch the History Channel on January 30th because they're going to have this special on Pompeii, the city in Italy that was destroyed by the volcano and was left perfectly preserved. History rocks, bitches.
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I'm sure I read in one of my mum's magazines that the Atkin's diet is bad for you. I remember learning about Mt. Vesuvius at school, I thought it was pretty kickass too. My history studies today, consist of trying to remember if I did anything exciting yesterday.
Oh yeah, and I truly despise London.
try being in chicago with a texan accent (aka 'texas drawl', pernounced 'drawww'). then throw in living in chicago for a year, picks up accents really quick, moving back to the tex/new mex area and having a half texan, haf chikah-gee accent.
i can't wait for that pompeii show on the discovery channel. my mom went to pompeii back in the 70s and has a lotta pics from it, and i got all interested in it back in jr high and did a report/presentation over it for one of my history classes.
Hey rook, what's crack-a-lackin? So you're up against the Atkins eh? You should be happy you don't have that Jared from Subway bitching about how he's broke from eating there 3 times a day and shoving his fatboy pants in your face at all times. God maybe you should show her the movie Heavyweights and she'd be a proud fatass like us! God we worked hard to be at the level of awesomeness we're at so don't you go dieting and losing all that hard work Jerald Garner, son of Maury Garner. That's your new name by the way.
I THOUGHT I commented on this post, but I guess I was wrong. You missed SO many posts of mine while you were out. Boo.
Just kick Emjo in the nads the next time she say's the "c-word." Hi Emily!
I love you, but I don't feel like typing :D I'll comment more later.
I'm going to start leaving anonymous comments all over the place since you all blamed me for leaving that goddamnyoujenn one.
katie, i'm a half german, half asian...your last post made me cry..i got sooo hurt i felt like playing in the traffic..
of course i lied on that previous comment. me rub you rong time....regardless...
Lesbians kick ass.
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